+27 79 165 2864
The Nest, Nest Road, Akasia
Comfort Digital
Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Marketing
PPC(Google Ads) & Paid Social Ads
Conversion Rate Optimization
Digital Design Solutions
Website Design
Mobile Application Development
Conversion Rate Optimization
Digital Technical Solutions
Website Maintenance & Support
Mobile Application Development
Our Blogs
Contact us
Technical Support & Actionable Services
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Current Position
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Contact Number
Please select the priority level of your request.
Please explain the problem in detail
Please provide a detailed explanation of the issue you are experiencing. This will help us better understand and address your concerns.
Please also explain the repair attempts you took before contacting us
If you have attempted any repairs or troubleshooting steps before contacting us, please provide details here.
Your Business Website
Do you currently have any Maintenance Package with us.
Flash Basic Plan
Essential Plan
Standard Basic Plan
Business Basic Plan
Business Pro Plan
Please select if you currently have any maintenance package with us. This will help us better assist you based on your existing services.
Select Additional Services Needed (Check all that apply)
Domain Renewal
Hosting Service Renewals
Landing Page Designs & Dev
Email Campaign Setups
Broken Scripts & Backend Functionality Test & Fixes
Web Page(s) Addition
Content Updates (Not Page Additions)
Check & Fix Mobile Optimization Errors
SSL Renewals & Installations
Technical Website Solutions
Please select any additional services you may require. This could include domain renewals, hosting service renewals, landing page designs, email campaign setups, and more.
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